Redactias: Tu socio estratégico

Ofrecemos contenido optimizado y persuasivo, diseñado para ayudar a empresas a destacar en el mundo digital y aumentar sus conversiones.

A smartphone screen displaying a webpage with large text about outlining a blog post for summer mocktail recipes. In the background, there is a pattern of horizontal green lines creating a vibrant backdrop.
A smartphone screen displaying a webpage with large text about outlining a blog post for summer mocktail recipes. In the background, there is a pattern of horizontal green lines creating a vibrant backdrop.
HTML code displayed on a computer screen, featuring elements such as 'mj-body', 'mj-wrapper', and 'mj-text'. The code includes CSS classes for styling purposes, indicating colors with hex codes like '#151629'. A comment suggests this section is the 'Hero Section'.
HTML code displayed on a computer screen, featuring elements such as 'mj-body', 'mj-wrapper', and 'mj-text'. The code includes CSS classes for styling purposes, indicating colors with hex codes like '#151629'. A comment suggests this section is the 'Hero Section'.
A hand holding a smartphone in a dimly lit environment, displaying text related to mobile optimization. The focus is on the smartphone screen, and the background is a blurred wooden surface.
A hand holding a smartphone in a dimly lit environment, displaying text related to mobile optimization. The focus is on the smartphone screen, and the background is a blurred wooden surface.

Quiénes somos

En Redactias, transformamos ideas en textos que atraen y convierten, garantizando calidad y rapidez en cada proyecto que emprendemos.

Sergio Asensio

Ceo & Redactor

Sergio Asensio es el fundador y CEO de Redactias, una agencia especializada en redacción SEO y copywriting persuasivo. Con años de experiencia en la creación de contenido estratégico, ha ayudado a empresas y emprendedores a posicionar sus marcas en los primeros resultados de Google y aumentar sus conversiones a través de textos optimizados.

Apasionado por el marketing digital, el SEO y la escritura persuasiva, Sergio combina creatividad y análisis de datos para desarrollar contenidos que atraen, convencen y convierten. Su enfoque no solo se basa en escribir, sino en construir mensajes que generen impacto y resultados tangibles en el mundo digital.

💡 "Las palabras tienen el poder de transformar negocios. Un buen contenido no solo informa, sino que vende, emociona y fideliza."Sergio Asensio

📩 ¿Necesitas contenido que realmente funcione? Contacta con Redactias y lleva tu marca al siguiente nivel. 🚀

Opiniones Clientes

Descubre lo que dicen nuestros clientes satisfechos sobre nuestro servicio.

El contenido de Redactias transformó nuestra estrategia digital y aumentó conversiones.

María López
A close-up of a spiral-bound notebook open to a page with 'User-Generated Content' written on it in black ink. The page indicates it's Tuesday, the 22nd, and the notebook lies on a desk beside a white computer keyboard.
A close-up of a spiral-bound notebook open to a page with 'User-Generated Content' written on it in black ink. The page indicates it's Tuesday, the 22nd, and the notebook lies on a desk beside a white computer keyboard.


Redactias nos proporcionó textos optimizados que realmente captaron la atención de nuestros clientes. Su profesionalismo y rapidez fueron excepcionales, superando nuestras expectativas en cada entrega.

A close-up view of an open book showing a page filled with text. The text is written in a serif font, with some numbers written in a larger, bold font. The content seems to be divided into sections or paragraphs with headings.
A close-up view of an open book showing a page filled with text. The text is written in a serif font, with some numbers written in a larger, bold font. The content seems to be divided into sections or paragraphs with headings.
Juan Pérez



Contenido SEO

Creamos contenido optimizado que destaca en el mundo digital.

A close-up of an open book displaying a page with text. The layout is divided into sections with bold headings and numbered lists. The font is clear, and the lines of text are closely spaced. The lighting highlights the text, making it easy to read.
A close-up of an open book displaying a page with text. The layout is divided into sections with bold headings and numbered lists. The font is clear, and the lines of text are closely spaced. The lighting highlights the text, making it easy to read.
Redacción Persuasiva

Nuestro equipo transforma ideas en textos que atraen y convierten.

A close-up of black text printed on a white curved surface, with the text reading: 'strikingly' and 'CONQUER THE WORLD WITH JUST ONE PAGE'. The background fades into a dark gradient.
A close-up of black text printed on a white curved surface, with the text reading: 'strikingly' and 'CONQUER THE WORLD WITH JUST ONE PAGE'. The background fades into a dark gradient.
Copywriting Estratégico

Aumentamos tus conversiones con estrategias de copywriting efectivas y profesionales.